Find Legal Forms is for those people who really want a do-it-yourself divorce.
Unlike the other online divorce sites we have reviewed, Find Legal Forms will find you the legal forms you need for your divorce. You then download them, complete them and file them yourself.
Find Legal Forms has helped millions of users find the forms they need from an extensive library containing more than 20,000 attorney prepared, easy to use, legal forms for any situation.
Why Choose Find Legal Forms?
Any legal documents you get from Find Legal Forms have been approved by attorneys to ensure they are both accurate and up-to-date. They are guaranteed to be valid in your state, can be downloaded instantly and even signed online. All forms come with a no-risk 60-day money back guarantee.
The Benefits of Find Legal Forms
Their packages are of a high-quality, designed to protect your legal rights, save you time and money. Find Legal Forms have incredibly low prices but amazing high value.
All Find Legal Forms divorce packages have all been prepared by attorneys and include detailed, but easy to follow, legal information and a useful checklist in their user guide to ensure that you understand the process and that everything is completed correctly.
Once completed your divorce forms can be downloaded and used immediately. All forms come with a 100% risk-free, money back guarantee so there really is nothing to lose.
Find Legal Forms have a wide range of divorce and separation paperwork covering everything from child support, visitation and custody to divorce petitions and complaints, settlements and separation agreements even pet custody.
Find Legal Forms has every type of legal form you could possibly need and you may find it really useful if after your divorce you need to change your will, change ownership of your home or power of attorney.
It’s a one stop shop for all your divorce forms.
The Find Legal Forms Process
To begin you would first purchase one of their divorce packets which contain the forms you need and a resource pack to guide you through the process.
You have the option to purchase forms individually, in a kit or as part of a combo package depending on your needs.
We recommend getting one of their Divorce Combo Packages. There are two options; one for a divorce with children and one for a divorce where they are no children.
Both divorce packages contain seven legal forms and are, at the time of writing, just £39.95 that’s a massive saving of 71% off the normal price if you take action now!
However, even at full price, it is still thousands of dollars cheaper than a divorce attorney would be.
Once you’ve purchased, your package is available for immediate download.
Included in the combo divorce package are the following:
- Property Division Worksheet Kits
- Marital Separation Agreements For Parties With/Without Children
- Financial Statement Kits For Divorce
- Testimony Worksheets
- Divorce Petitions And Complaints For Couples With/Without Children
- Appearance Consent And Waiver Forms
- Final Judgement And Decree Of Divorce
As you can see, this really is a great package. It includes everything that you will need for your divorce. All the forms are prepared by qualified attorneys, are up to date and guaranteed to be valid in your state.
The combo package gives you the peace of mind of knowing you have all the forms you need, you don’t have to pay expensive attorney fees, all your forms are approved for your state by qualified legal professionals, they’re up-to-date and you’re saving even more money by getting all your forms in the one deal.
The packet comes with an excellent guide so that you can understand the process of divorce and what you need to do in order to fill out your forms correctly. It is then up to you to file your divorce papers.
Avoiding Problems With Your Divorce
In order to proceed with a divorce through this method, we must stress that it is imperative you fully understand your rights and obligations. Although this package will go a long way to protecting you, it’s not a substitute for a qualified attorney.
If your divorce is complicated and you’re uncertain how to protect your rights and your assets, we would suggest a different route. Our recommended lawyer matching service LegalMatch will be able to find you a qualified attorney in your area for a price you can afford.
If however, you are sure of your rights, fully understand the process and are confident filling out the forms yourself, this is a low cost, hassle free alternative to the traditional divorce route.
More Ways Find Legal Forms Can Help With Your Divorce
Other couples, who are maybe not quite ready to proceed with a divorce, may find this site useful in preparation for the impending divorce. You can get forms to formalise a Separation Agreement or use the forms to begin to get your head around all the things you’ll have to consider ahead of your divorce.
Having the actual forms in your hands can be a good way to open discussions with your spouse as to how you want to proceed with the separation of your assets and your separate lives after divorce, without actually having to get the courts involved, yet.
You then have some choices:
If everything is good and you’re happy to complete the divorce yourself you can proceed using the paperwork provided by Find Legal Forms.
If you’re not sure and would like someone to complete the forms and file them for you, then you can go to a service such as MyDivorcePapers who will handle this for you.
If you have a family and want to carefully plan your divorce to ensure minimum upset to your children, you can use a mediated divorce service such as Wevorce.
If you find you are completely at loggerheads you may need to go the traditional route and get an attorney involved in order to protect your rights and assets. In which case we can help find you an affordable, local lawyer using LegalMatch.
Either way, Find Legal Forms can give you a head start as you proceed with your divorce.
Find Legal Forms Support
The Guide you get with your purchase from Find Legal Forms contains all the information you should need to complete your divorce forms.
If you need help you can contact them via their customer service phone line. However, it should be noted that they can only help you with the forms. They are unable to offer you any legal advice whatsoever so if that is what you need, you have to try and source it elsewhere.
Find Legal Forms For Your Divorce
Find Legal Forms is a great option for someone who is comfortable with filling out the documentation themselves, understands their rights and has the time to ensure they get it all done correctly.
It is certainly the cheapest way to get a divorce because you are only paying for the forms.
If that suits you, then this is a great way to go.
Find Legal Forms Features
What States Are Served? | 50 States plus the District of Columbia and some support outside the US. |
Can I Register For Free? | No. |
Can I Complete The Forms In Real Time? | Yes. |
Will I Get A Dedicated Case Manager? | No. |
Will I Get Unlimited Customer Support? | Yes. |
How Can I Access Customer Support? | Phone. |
Is It Attorney Approved? | Yes. |
Will I Get Attorney Support? | No. |
Do They Offer Divorce, Annulment And Seperation Services? | Yes. |
Will They File My Forms And Serve My Spouse? | No. |
Can They Help Calculate Alimony and Child Support? | Yes. |
What Delivery Service Can I Expect? | Instant Download.. |
Is There Support For Life After Divorce? | Yes. |
Can I Read Verifiable Customer Testimonials? | No. |
How Does The Better Business Bureau Rate The Service? | A+ |