Getting Divorce Online

It is hard enough to make a decision to get divorced, but the complicated legal process makes it even harder.

That’s why entrepreneurs have been working on online divorce aids, such as CompleteCase, It’s Over Easy and so on. Such services will allow you to end your marriage on good terms and without spending a fortune. Getting a divorce over the internet is more comfortable and can save you a lot of headaches.

What is Online Divorce?

Online divorce is practical only if you and your spouse are agreeing on common issues and you’re seeking an uncontested divorce. The issues that usually arise include family support payments, custody, parenting of the children, division of marital property, etc. If you and your spouse can not reach an agreement on these issues, online divorce will not work for you.

Can I File for Divorce Online?

Depending on your state rules, you may or may not be allowed to file for divorce over the internet. Visit the website of your state’s court to determine your eligibility for online divorce.

Every county has different prerequisites for filing a divorce. You may be allowed to e-file your documents in one county but not in another county of the same state. If the rules regarding submitting documents online are unclear, double-check with the clerk’s office in your county. In some states, even attorneys are obligated to request divorce online.

Are online divorce services legit?


From a legal perspective, an online divorce will have the same effect as an uncontested divorce that was resolved in court.

Think of online divorce as something similar to filing your taxes online. We use the inquiries that couples enter into our online divorce service to give you an idea of what forms you’re obligated to submit in your county.

You can use online services to file the required paperwork for divorce and create documents like a stipulated judgment and settlement agreement. Your marriage will be officially over once the district court lays out the final divorce decree. If the court has rejected your divorce packet on your first try, online divorce services will aid you in resolving the problem by fixing the errors in your initial submission.

What are the benefits of online divorce?

Online divorce filing has three major advantages.

First, this process reduces expenses by removing the need for an attorney. Throughout the divorce, American couples usually pay upwards of $12,800 in legal fees alone. Family law attorneys usually charge an hourly fee that ranges from $75 to $1,500. The average cost for the entire country is $250 per hour. Legal fees are only the tip of the iceberg. Individuals who are getting a divorce must also spend on documents, court fees for filing a divorce, various professionals, and courses.

In contrast, an online divorce will cost you no more than $2,500. By filing for divorce over the internet, you and your partner will be able to invest your money in children’s education or other productive opportunities.

The second factor is the decreased likelihood of incorrect document handling, which would result in a rejection from the court. You can take care of most divorce issues by using one of the numerous platforms available today. Namely, platforms can help you figure out marital settlement agreements, division of marital property and financial obligations, family support issues, your rights as a parent, and coming up with a final divorce packet.

And last, by handling your divorce online, the spouses can avoid discussing their marriage in front of a judge. The partners have more control over the divorce proceedings. You can take your time while filling out the forms. You’ll be in the comfort of your home. This is only applicable to the states where mandated district divorce court visits aren’t practiced. Otherwise, you might need to show up in court at one point or another throughout the proceedings.

Using Online Companies in Uncontested Divorces

Third-party services can be beneficial for filing uncontested divorce online. However, divorce can be classified as uncontested only if there’s a complete agreement between you and your spouse. The two of you must agree on issues like child parental rights, family support, spousal support, dividing marital property and etc.

The aforementioned services do most of the hard work when it comes to preparing documents; sometimes the online services might even review your documents to ensure that everything’s in order. Despite their general usefulness, online services are impractical if you and your partner disagree on some of the common issues.

Sometimes, the only way to resolve a contested divorce is through litigation. It is a good practice to reach an agreement with your partner before filing for divorce. You shouldn’t use online services if you can’t come up with a divorce agreement that you’re satisfied with. If you think there’s no way to avoid a contested divorce, hiring an attorney is probably the smartest thing to do.

Despite the fact that an online service will provide you with all the necessary documents, the company does not perform any duties that an attorney might. It might be the most practical to hire an attorney to go over the documents provided by the service, especially if there’s a highly valuable marital property to divide.

The process of getting a divorce online entails the preparation of documents by an online service and an individual submitting them over the internet. It’s also possible to arrange the forms and submit them on the state’s website where you live. Legal document companies might not offer the service to file divorce papers for you online.

How to Get a Divorce Online

You should follow this procedure to get divorced online:

  1. Choose how you’re going to prepare documents. You have the option to use a specialized document company or perform this task on the website of your state’s court. The latter option allows you to prepare the documents locally on your PC. Save the documents in a PDF extension and don’t forget to make copies.
  2. Ensure that there are no disagreements over any issues between you and your partner. Most common issues include family support payments, custody, and parenting of the children, division of marital property and etc.
  3. When filling out divorce documents, be forthcoming with detailed information. Include all the core information, such as names, addresses, SSNs, circumstances of your marriage, information about the kids, and information about the shared property. You should also explain the reason for divorce. Specify whether a divorce Is a no-fault type or not.
  4. Don’t skip filling out any of the forms. The court usually provides the necessary documentation on their official website. Sometimes these websites can be hard to figure out. Every state has its own requirements regarding documents, so double-check to ensure that you’ve filled out all the required forms.
  5. Consult with a county clerk, or check your state’s court website to determine the correct way to file divorce paperwork. Cover any costs that might be associated with the process. There may be other fees besides the ones charged for document organization. Use the website to file the papers, or file them offline with your county clerk.
  6. Make sure your partner is served with divorce papers, if necessary. The service will have to be carried out by a legal adult who is 18+ years old or using a professional’s help. It is impossible to serve the divorce papers on your own. If you’re uncertain about how this process work, hire a professional process server.
  7. Prepare a divorce agreement that you and your spouse can live with. You may want to use an attorney for this part of the divorce so your agreement can be prepared correctly. This way, there is less of a chance you’ll have to make court motions years from now unless there are major changes, such as wanting to move out of state with the children.
  8. Come up with a divorce agreement that is acceptable for both parties. This is an important step in a divorce, so you should hire an attorney to do it for you. By doing so, you’ll ensure that you won’t get into litigation with your spouse after a certain amount of time.
  9. Ensure that your original papers include required additional files or forms. You can hire an attorney to organize the papers for you.

Online divorce is a more modern and simpler alternative to a normal uncontested divorce. Getting an online divorce can resolve a lot of headaches before they occur. It can also ease your transition into a life without marriage.

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